Raja rajeswari venkataraman valencia
Raja rajeswari venkataraman valencia

raja rajeswari venkataraman valencia

Effect of some vitamins and salicylic acid on fruiting of Washington navel orange trees.

raja rajeswari venkataraman valencia

Effect of nitrogen, boron, potassium and zinc sprays on yield and fruit quality of date palm. Effect of fruit thinning and potassium spray on yield and fruit quality of Zaghloul date palm (Phoenix dactylifera, L.). Response of Balady mandarin trees to application of citric and ascorbic acid in combined with iron and zinc. Growth and fruiting of Washington navel orange in relation to foliar application of some antioxidants. Response of Washington navel orange trees to some antioxidants and biofertilization treatments. Determination of sugar in plant materials A photometeric method. Quarterly Bulletins of statistics 8 (112)31- yearly Book Annu. ğAO, Food Agriculture and Organization, 2014. Effect of different pollen types on fruiting and fruit quality in some date varieties. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(10): 4922-4926. Yield and fruit quality of Amhat date palms as affected by spraying some vitamins. Abstracts of The Fourth Symposium on Date palm in Saudi Arabia, King Faisal Univ., Al-Ahssa, 5-8 May. Effect of spraying Barhee flowers with potassium sulphate and boric acid on fruit set, productivity and date properties.


Vitamin E, first results from field trial in Switzerland. The promotive effect of some antioxidants on the productivity of Taimour mango trees. The relation between using some antioxidants and productivity of Sewy date palms. Effect of ascobine and citrine on some mango cultivars. Growth and fruiting of Williams banana as affected by some antioxidant and biofertilizer treatments. Engineering, Pots Dam, Sept., pp: 100-120. Symposium on fruit, Nut and Vegetables production. Studies on the influence of spraying some nutrients and ascorbic acid on inflorescence malformation and fruiting of Taimour mangoes. Studies for controlling malformation and improving yield and fruit quality of Hindy Bisinnara mangoes by using active dry yeast, ascorbic acid and sulphur. Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Ědvanced System Dynamics and Control: Modeling, Simulation and Fabrication of a Balancing Robot, 2.151, USA, (2012). ĝan Nguyen, Kayan Phuong: A Self-Balancing Robot, KTH Industrial Engineering and Management, (2016). Report No.38, Department of Electronics Engineering, Techinical University of Selcuk, Turkey. Design and PID Control of Two Wheeled Autonomous Balanced Robot (2013). Soe Soe Htay: Balancing Control of Two Wheeled Robot Using PID Controller, M.E Thesis of MTU, Myanmar, (2017). Ěwadalla Taifour Ali: Design And Implementation Of Two Wheeled Self Balancing Robot Using PID Controller, Sudan University of Science and Technology College of Engineering, Sudan, (2017). Ěbdul Gafar: Self-Balancing Robot, Third Year Individual Project of School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Manchester (2017). ctions on Automatic Control 30, no.6: 531-541. Toni Silfver: Control Synthesis for Balancing Robots, Master Thesis of School of Electrical Engineering, (2018).

Raja rajeswari venkataraman valencia